Announcing: Our Homes exhibition and zine launch event! Monday 11 April between 5-9pm, at Contact and online đŸ’«đŸ’•
I was commissioned alongside the wonderful Saoirse Felix Addams to create some new art on the theme of ‘home’ by Drawn Poorly, Short Supply and Contact MCR. There will be a hybrid launch event and exhibition (my debut in-person exhibition!!!!) which can be attended BOTH in person and online via Zoom, on Monday 11th April, 5-9pm at Contact in Manchester.

Please click here to book your free space either online or to attend in person.
Event information from Contact:
Throughout the pandemic, the experiences of ill, disabled, deaf and neurodivergent people have been quite different. Many have had to shield and have experienced great uncertainty. Our homes became a place of digital shows, workshops – with lots of folks attending their first of these for many years. Our homes can be a place of comfort, a place to unmask and be ourselves. It’s also a place that can feel isolating.
Working with Lead Artists Saoirse Felix Addams and Ellie Ora Page over the last twelve months, they have creatively explored the theme of home– its joy and grief and everything in-between.
Alongside our lead artists, creatives from across Greater Manchester have joined us in making the zine, contributing their own experiences.
This relaxed, drop-in event will feature an exhibition of artists’ work, zine-making, zine reading and more.
Online, we’ll also be launching the digital and audio described versions of the zine.
This project is collaboratively presented by Drawn Poorly and Short Supply and has been possible with support and funding from Contact and Arts Council England.
In person: The event will have relaxed lighting and low-level music. The event is a drop in between 5-9pm and people are welcome to spend as much time in the space as they’d like to.
Online: We’ll be launching a digital and audio described versions of the zine at the same time as the in person event. If you’d like to receive more information and the links to the zines please email Rose :
We’ll also have interaction stickers available for anyone who would like to wear them.
These will be:
Red – no interaction please
Orange – some interaction on my terms
Green – I would like to be approached during my visit.
Content Warnings
This event may contain strong language and depictions of mental health.
Thanks to all the artists involved in making this happen đŸ’«: @elliepageok@prettyradartbysfa@nemii_94@adampfenton@eatmyshrts_@stubbinsdraws@aitkatalo@sarahkgodfrey@etemadi_kimia@wainman_design@v_ofc Sumaira Khalid Naseem & The Young Creatives đŸ’«
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